Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thing #23

I can't believe I finally reached the end. My favorite discoveries were Flickr, image generators, podcasts and YouTube. I didn't really know what to expect when I started this program. I had never played with any of these web sites before using them to complete Learning 2.0. I want to continue to experiment and discover new sites. I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. I was getting tired of the computer after spending an entire day on the exercises trying to catch up, but I'm glad I pushed myself to finish. I would definitely participate in another discovery program.

Thing #22

I usually listen to audiobooks on CD during my long commute to Leesburg. It will be nice to have another option. The site was very easy to use and I found several titles that I will download when I have a player.

Thing #21

I signed up for SimonSays. I think it will be helpful if I ever find the time to check my Bloglines account. I had already forgotten how to add an RSS feed to my account by the time I reached this exercise. Thank goodness Stephanie and Mary Lou were available to help me. I just need to get into the habit of checking my account at least once a week.

Thing #20

I chose a pig video for this exercise. It was so cute. I especially enjoyed listening to the pig's baby talk. I have never visited YouTube on my home computer because I have dial-up. It was fun to look at some of the videos. I thought it would be difficult to add a video to my blog, but it was actually quite easy. It might be interesting to include clips of library programs on the web site to encourage patrons to attend future events.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thing #19

I tried, and I liked the first two, but the last one seemed like an easy place to waste lots of time. I think yelp would be a useful choice for both tourists and local residents trying to discover new places to try. I even found a couple of intersting restaurants in Winchester. Although very limited in number, the reviews were helpful. The site was easy to navigate & provided a variety of browsing categories. The same can be said for If I ever get to take a real vacation, I think I will use it when planning my trip.

Thing #18

I will definitely use this application again.  It's so easy!  I didn't have any personal photos available to copy so I borrowed one from the animal shelter.  His name is Kane. Someone should adopt this cute dog.  laughing

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thing #17

This was one of the easiest exercises so far. I'm glad because it's 5:00 and I'm tired of working on Learning 2.0. I enjoyed reading the comments from other bloggers. Now I'm heading home. Time to sit in traffic for 2 hours. I can't wait to get back to the country.

Thing #16

I especially liked the Book Lovers Wiki developed by the Princeton Public Library. I think this type of wiki is a great way for libraries to promote books and reading. The reviews might also encourage readers to try new authors, subjects, or genres. The community information wiki is another resourceful & efficient way to gather information that might otherwise be difficult & time-consuming to locate.

Thing #15

I agree completely with the ideas presented by Michael Stephens in Into a New World of Librarianship. New technology that will help librarians process the needs of our users more efficently & quickly should be adopted wholeheartedly. The world is changing rapidly and librarians have to ready & willing to change along with it.

Thing #14

So far, Technorati is my least favorite site. I had to restrict my search results to "a lot of authority" to make the results more manageable. Otherwise, I was overwhelmed by hits from blogs that didn't look like they would be worth exploring. I also kept getting the message that the Technorati Monster had escaped again. I don't think I would be interested in using this site again. My first search was very general. When I tried to make it more specific, the monster kept escaping and I didn't have time to wait for it to return. I needed to move on to the next exercise.

Thing #13

I found some interesting links when I searched for Hawaii in However, some of the tags were very strange or too general to be useful to me. It would not be the only search that I would want to do when researching a topic, but it would worth trying. I am more interested in using it for bookmarks.

Thing #12

I think I will enjoy using Rollyo. I frequently use the same Hawaii web sites so this was a good way to organize some of them. When I have more time, I will add other favorites to my Rollyo search engine. This is a great way to search. I didn't have to search each individual web site or wade through the results of a more general Google search.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Thing #11

I think I will probably continue to use this site. I don't have a list of the books that I've read over the years. I wish I had started making one when I was a child. Better late than never.

Thing #10

The image & text generators were fun! I'm sure I will spend more time playing around with them in the future. I had trouble saving some of my creations. I need to spend more time on that part of the exercise.

Thing #10

Thing #9

I didn't like any of the 4 search tools listed for locating feeds. Blogline's search tool produced the best results for me, but I still had problems subscribing to the feed. I found a relevant link that took me to When I clicked on "subscribe to RSS feed", it brought up a page full of useless information. At least it seemed useless to me. The same thing happened when I tried to "subscribe to this search" on Feedster. I must be doing something wrong.

Thing #8

I created an account with Bloglines & signed up for 11 feeds. I don't know when I will have the time to actually read any of them. I was not able to locate my public Bloglines URL. There wasn't a share tab on the right side of the screen. I tried making various changes to my profile, but none of them resulted in the creation of a share tab. I also asked several people who had completed thing #8, but they couldn't remember how they had solved this problem.